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How To Engage an Audience

The heart of a "creative conversation" at the heart of MDX's PDE Department

The heart of a "creative conversation" at the heart of MDX's PDE Department

We have been working recently with MIDDLESEX UNIVERSITY
 Product Design and Engineering Department and their Design Consultancy, Red Loop.

The REFINERY provided a day of basic training in camerawork, a brief editing tutorial, and a masterclass in editorial thinking – or how to get your information across as a story. Using both our Panasonic P2 cameras for teaching, and MDX’s own Sony Flip cameras we engaged the students by showing how a “make do and mend” approach to filming in the field can result in great films, even with very limited equipment.

This will benefit their Jua Kali project in Africa, and allow them to tell their story to the widest possible audiences.

So, what do you think ?